Support Page
Web Groups
Msn Online
Interactive Web Group
This msn web group
is a great place to mingle with other people in the community
who share similar interests
about Nuclear issues. By joining the msn online community, you'll have access to an
array of networking elements, these include; online calendar,
file up loader, picture albums, forum, and last but certainly
not least, online live chat. So indulge in these free tools by
signing up now by clicking here
If you don't have a .net passport yet, no worries msn will walk
you through the process. If a web community isn't for you,
maybe just signing up for our newsletters may be of interest
If your more interested in receiving a
printed copy of our newsletter send us an
email with your full contact
information, mailing address, or fax number by clicking here
Material Support
always appreciates the material support offered to it by the
community. Whether it be the offering of copying services,
venues for meetings and forums, prizes for raffles and the like,
nothing goes unnoticed as all these and many other offerings are
essential to TANAC’s existence. If you feel that you, your
company or organization can contribute in any way, feel free to
contact us by e-mail, phone or in person.
serious contributors may wish to view the current items listed
below that are essential to TANAC’s effective function as a
member of civil society. Members of TANAC are members of your
community, and as such are faced with the reality of limited
resources in contrast to a nuclear industry that benefits from
unimaginable amounts of subsidized money. Our opinions are
priceless, but hell let’s face it, it costs money to express
If you are interested in
donating please contact us at
T.A.N.A.C Timmins
58 Algonquin Blvd East, Timmins
Ontario, P4N1A2 postal only
(705) 264-6319 -phone
TANAC is currently seeking
contributions to cover the costs of web design, internet
service, hosting and domain registration. Funds are also
very much appreciated to get the printing of the newsletter
started, it will cost approximately 1.00 per copy, if purchased
in bulk(200copies)
last updated
November 28/04

email webmaster